Can I get a check to solve all these problems bro I've got 200iq

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I actually think the new ACEP Board and President - as well as the current AAEM Board and President - are going to make meaningful improvements on working conditions for EPs. Change seems in the air. Let's hope so! Check out tomorrow's boarding meeting for example: https://www.hhs.gov/live/index.html

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This letter seems to only focus on the bottom financial line of the various management groups. Is there no interest in who’s taking care of patients well? Who’s got the best throughput times and the least bounce backs? I went into Emergency Medicine to be excellent at taking care of life threatening issues. All these greedy management groups just ruined my career.

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Hi Tim,

Thanks for the comment. You're right. This week's newsletter focuses on the employer side. Many/most of the EM Workforce Newsletter posts focus on the working physician side. For example:

- Residency Unions Are Winning Improved Contracts: https://emworkforce.substack.com/p/residency-unions-are-winning-improved

- Emergency Physician State Legislators: Advocacy is Good, Power is Better: https://emworkforce.substack.com/p/emergency-physician-state-legislators

- Why is ACEP not pressuring hospital execs to improve staffing levels?: https://emworkforce.substack.com/p/why-is-acep-not-pressuring-hospital

- Emergency Physician Unions & What They Want: https://emworkforce.substack.com/p/emergency-physician-unions-and-what

-- Leon

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