EMR is a major factor in why I retired. I spent 4 hours at home per shift reviewing charts for accuracy, as best as I could remember it. We had scribes which were not always accurate.

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19 seconds?

Reminds of the time our hospital spent nearly a year trying to streamline the ORs after identifying turn-around times between cases as the biggest problem. At the conclusion they had a big luncheon and announced that they had shaved 11 minutes off the average turn-around.

Unfortunately, they never addressed the surgeons who weren't available when the patient arrived in the OR or the ones who consistently took at least three hours to do a lap chole.

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They sold EMR with the promise that it would allow us to be way more efficient by pre-populating static information like past history, surgical history, social history, historical lab, radiology and other diagnostic results. That quickly changed to sanctions for 'cloning' charts.

Back when I was doing pre-op regional anesthesia, we had a slick and easy note template that took about 30 seconds to complete for the EHR.

Before I left for the OR, the nurses always told me to be sure to print a hard copy of the note for the chart.

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